
Parish Meeting Recap from the Board of Trustees

Last Sunday’s Parish Meeting enabled members and friends attending in person and virtually to learn about the Board’s six priorities for the year from Chair Ike Irozuru. They are: Enhanced communication with the congregation; Exploration of solar power possibilities; Ongoing evaluation of Board effectiveness; Advancing racial equity; Updating and safeguarding church archives; and review of the nominating process for Church elections. 

Senior Minister,  Rev. Daniel Kanter,  also provided updates about the church’s increased engagement through small groups, diverse church activities and a growing social media presence; the completed playground; appointment of a new Music Director; and robust activities supporting reproductive rights and social justice initiatives.

Jae Schmidt provided a Strategic Planning update, including introducing members of the Strategic Planning Steering Team and providing an anticipated timeline for their work. 

Attendees shared in small groups the impact of the church in their lives and in the larger world. Some of the most frequently cited feedback (collected in word clouds) included a sense of community and fellowship through small groups, opportunities for open and informed dialogue, the importance of the church’s work around racial equity and reproductive dignity, and the impact of Sunday services in their lives.

Watch a video update from the Strategic Planning Steering Team:

Parish Meeting Slides:

Congregant Feedback Word Clouds:

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January 26 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm CST