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A System of Inquiry | Chart & Compass | Rev. T. J. FitzGerald

We continue to explore Daniel Limbaugh’s 1899 founding sermon for our church by finding in it kernels of interest for them and for us todayIn it he said, “Ours is not a system so much as it is a tendencyIt is embraced by the spirit rather than by any formal statement of languageThe seeking of truth, actuated by a love for it and its application to the religious nature of man is the spirit that animates us in all our investigations, statements and work.” We will unpack this for today’s spiritual needs of our church.

This sermon is part of our Chart & Compass series – Our Unitarian Universalist faith is a beacon of hope for people seeking a religion free from “old dogmas, doctrines, and creeds.” On May 12, 1899, Mr. Daniel Limbaugh gave a talk on the Unitarian religion at Temple Emanu-El where he described such seekers as being “at sea without a chart or compass.” This sermon led to the founding of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas. In this series, we will take a closer look at Limbaugh’s pivotal message and explore how Unitarian Universalism can serve as our chart and compass in modern times. 

Rev. T. J. FitzGerald is preaching, music TBD

Worship at 9:30am and 11am CST in-person or online • 7:00pm ONLINE ONLY

Event Details
10. 13. 2024.
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
First Unitarian Church of Dallas
4015 Normandy Ave.
Rev. T.J. FitzGerald
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