No matter where you are in the world, your presence here matters.
Join us for online worship every Sunday at 9:30 am, 11 am, & 7 pm CT
Livestream also available on YouTube
Being a part of our global community of love and justice just got even easier! Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay connected with our church community no matter where you are! By subscribing, you’ll receive notifications for our live streams and be able to watch from the YouTube app on your device or SmartTV.

Your Support Sustains and Expands Our Online Community
Your support helps us grow. With your generosity, we can create more ways to connect virtually. If this service has been meaningful to you, please consider giving to help us continue and expand our online ministry. Every gift makes a difference—thank you!

Join Realm, our church communication app
Through the mobile app or website you can do things like join the Online Members & Friends group, explore other church groups, message other members, give online and see your past giving history, RSVP for events, and more.
Attend Inquirer’s Class
The Inquirer’s Series is a rotation of 8 conversations about our church and Unitarian Universalism that meets at 11:00 am every Sunday in the church parlor and on Zoom. The series is designed for visitors and newcomers who are looking for a general introduction to help decide if First Church would be a good match for them.
Subscribe to the Dallas Unitarian Weekly eNewsletter
Dive into the heart of community and connection with Sharon Thompson, Director of Membership and Hospitality. She highlights the inclusive ways both in-person and online members can engage with the church community, from small groups to volunteer opportunities. Learn how the church ensures members—whether local or remote—feel connected.
Ann Marie Meyer and Richard Anderson remain engaged members of First Unitarian Church of Dallas, even from a distance. Though they live in California, they are able to attend worship virtually every Sunday and maintain a sense of belonging within our online church community. To them, the church’s mission and sense of community are invaluable. “This is home.”