
Make Your 2024 Pledge

Help us bring our mission to life in 2024 

We are waves that pool to make tides of change. Together, we make a difference – here in Dallas, across the country, and around the world as a Unitarian Universalist community that lives out its values. Your pledge will help us sustain and increase that impact in 2024. 


🌊 We build our annual budget solely from your pledges. Because of you, we know what to expect.

🌊 A pledge of $2,272 per member covers our operating costs (electricity, heating & AC, building maintenance, livestream, paper for Orders of Service, etc.) and giving above that level allows the church to fully implement our values in the world.

🌊 When you pay your pledge automatically through your bank or with a credit card, you help stabilize our income throughout the year. Thank you!

🌊 In Realm (, you can choose to offset the processing costs of your online gift.

🌊 Your giving information is private and secure in Realm; only you or your partner/spouse can see it.

🌊 Anyone can make a pledge, even if you’re not a member of this church. Many in our community do!

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Upcoming Services
January 26 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm CST