
Week 9: Palsy

The author of this week’s story says of her son: “He has completed me – wrenched me in and out of myself, forced me past my boundaries, looked into me with his wide chocolate eyes, and demanded loyalty, spirituality, and faith. I’m not letting you down, he has proven over and over, and he has elevated me so that I can stand and look up and see who he is and who I must somehow be, to be his mother.” What a statement… Can you relate?

After you listen, some questions for reflection…

  1. Have you learned wonder from your child(ren)? Is this a universal experience of parenthood?
  2. The author talks about her experience of wonder at the Day Camp performance – it’s beyond words and logic, and it can’t be touched or held onto. She says “we are forced to sit and to see that life is sacred and secret.” Can you think of a time when you’ve witnessed life as sacred and secret like this? Did it take courage? 

With you on the adventure,

Rev. Beth

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