
Week 3: Boundary Loss 

Check out this audio recording of the essay “Boundary Loss” by Oxenhandler, published in Chaos, Wonder, and the Spiritual Adventure of Parenting. Let’s light our chalices together, breathe, listen to a story, and reflect.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Thinking about this week’s essay and last week’s from Alexandra Fuller – what are the similarities and differences in the ways they experience the birth of their children? Think about the moment you first saw your child(ren). How did it compare to Oxenhandler’s experience?
  2. How did Oxenhandler change when her children were born? How did you change when your child(ren) came into your life?
  3. Oxenhandler realizes that “everyone is either the child of a parent or the parent of a child, or both.” She asks the question in her essay: “What if we were to tap the power of the boundary loss that lies at the root of each of us?” There’s something very powerful, spiritually, about that boundary loss. What does this mean for you?

With you on the adventure,

Rev. Beth

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