
Week 22: 2:45 P.M.

LISTEN to “2:45 P.M.” by Marion Winik

The chaos of school pick-up is not usually a time when parents find transcendence, saying with a sigh, “All is right with the world…” What is Marion Winik’s secret?

After you listen, some questions for reflection…

  1. This essay is similar to DS Butterworth’s a couple weeks ago – a reflection on finding transcendence in the ordinary. After hearing this essay, are there other ordinary activities in your family’s life where the transcendent sometimes shines through that you didn’t reflect on earlier?
  2. Are there ordinary activities in your life that you currently find stressful that could be transformed if you approached them through this lens of finding the transcendent in the ordinary?
  3. Her last line is: “I’m with my boys, and all is right with the world.” When have you felt this way? I’m with my child or children, and whatever else is going on within and around me, all is right with the world.

May you find those moments, wherever and whenever they occur, when you look at your child(ren) and think, “All is right with the world.”

With you on the adventure,

Rev. Beth

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