
Week 21: Emmanuel

LISTEN to “Emmanuel” by Laura Read

We’re not in the season of Advent, but parents’ longing for children, and for their children to be a certain way, is year-round. In “Emmanuel” Laura Read writes about her longing for a daughter, and how she comes to peace with her two wonderful sons.

After you listen, some questions for reflection…

  1. Have you ever wished your child(ren) were something they’re not? Do you know where your longing comes from? How have you resolved it or tried to resolve it?
  2. At the end of her essay Read concludes, “By not being what I always wanted, my sons have been what I always wanted.” What does she mean? Have you had this experience?
  3. Throughout the story Read talks about her fear of being alone, especially as her children grow up and leave home. What she concludes, and this is the origin of the essay’s title Emmanuel, is that God, and she, will always be with her children…and this is the case for her and her parents too. Do you ever worry about this? Where do you find comfort and hope? 

With you on the adventure,

Rev. Beth

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