
Week 12: The End of Summer

This week’s story is a reflection from a mother, divorced from the father of her 4 daughters, who is excited about the return of her children after a summer with their father, and has grand visions of this reunion. Does the reality live up to her vision? Not quite.

It’s also a reflection about the tension between wanting to be close to your children, and wanting alone time and solitude. I know I love being with my children, and that alone time in the morning before they wake up is precious.

There’s a lot going on in this story. Enjoy!

After you listen, some questions for reflection…

  1. Can you think of times when you wanted closeness with your child(ren) but were unable to attain it? Why didn’t it work? What did you learn, or could you learn, from the experience?
  2. The author reflects on the struggle between her desire for alone time and the desire for closeness to her daughters. What does this balance look like for you? Do you feel like you achieve this balance, or are you struggling to do so? What does this balance look like for you in terms of your church involvement?  

This story makes me want to eat blackberries! How about you?

With you on the adventure,

Rev. Beth

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