TEA Fund Infant Resource Drive – Dec 16
TEA Fund will be hosting an Infant Care Resource Drive and giving away free infant care supplies to folks, no questions asked, at the First Unitarian Church of Dallas on Saturday December 16, 2023 from 10 AM to 1 PM. This upcoming resource drive will be holiday-themed, featuring additional activities such as kids’ holiday crafts, pictures with Santa, infant CPR & Heimlich maneuver demonstrations, and more!
The Infant Resource Drive is a part of TEA Fund’s My Choice, Not A Crisis Initiative to combat the harms done by Anti-Abortion Centers (AKA Crisis Pregnancy Centers) and to provide tangible support to pregnant people and families.
There are a couple of ways you can get involved:
- Donate and Support the Cause!
- Sign up to volunteer: https://forms.gle/2YyPzzbpEVGDRMFK9
- Share our event on social media! Please use the hashtag #ChoiceNotCrisis and tag @teafund on social media.
- Facebook Event for ICRD: https://fb.me/e/aPVykAiHZ
- Share Fliers with event information.