
Solstice Celebration at First Americans Museum

The Racial Equity Task Force and Adult Ministries are excited to offer an opportunity for First Church congregants to celebrate the Summer Solstice and journey to the First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City on Thursday, June 20th.

Observing the solstice sun set at the summit of the FAM Mound has become an Oklahoma City tradition, and EVERYONE is invited. This lively event will include cultural speakers, food trucks, and social dancing. The event will also include a special performance of classical compositions from FAM Composition Academy students by the CRUSA quartet. These students work with renowned Chickasaw composer Jerod Impichchaachaaha’ Tate to create their own scores during the second week of FAMcamp.

☀️ We will meet at church and depart for Oklahoma City at 8am on 6/20 (carpooling in personal vehicles)

☀️ The cost will be $10 per person (collected at registration)

☀️ Upon arrival to OKC, we will eat lunch at a restaurant. Participants are responsible for paying for their own lunch.

☀️ We will have a docent-led tour of the museum’s Okla Homma exhibit  at 2pm

☀️ The Solstice Celebration will run from 6-9pm.

☀️ Participants can return to Dallas after the celebration ends if they choose or stay at a nearby hotel and return the following day. Participants are responsible for making their own hotel arrangements – the museum suggests these preferred hotels:   

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January 26 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm CST