Every 5 years, our church develops a new strategic plan to envision the next steps of our future path, and now is the time.
A Strategic Planning Steering Team has been formed and began working in April 2024 and is starting to engage strategic questions. The planning process is expected to continue for 18 months, completing the work by the 2025 December Parish meeting. Members will be invited to participate and give input during the planning process, as we continue to use the input the congregation has given over the recent years in their survey responses.
Four Pillars – Key Strategic Areas:

Pillar Leader: Tricia Walker
Team Members: Brian McAulay, Hazel McLean, John McNair, Erica Van Houten
Aligning our ministry and outreach efforts with current social issues and needs of the communities that we live in and care about.
Beyond our church’s physical and digital boundaries, how might we transform, influence, and impact our community in alignment with our values?
What is the right way for us to focus our efforts in the next five years?

Pillar Leader: Dean Castelhano
Team Members: Claudia Alexander, Steve Chapman, Amy Fikes, Jace Graham, Bonnie King, Leslie Palmer
Assess our current financial health and develop strategies that ensure long-term sustainability and resource optimization.
Given the changes in giving patterns, how might we ensure long-term financial sustainability so that we can carry our mission on for the next 125 years?

Pillar Leader: Susan Hamilton
Team Members: R. Mark Miles, Jessica Newell, Phillip Vorkoper
Evaluate our hybrid, in-person, digital reach and strategies to engage existing members while attracting new congregants.
What might the future of a multi-generational church look like?
How might a robust digital experience fuel and enhance connectedness and in-person experiences?
How might we rethink engagement and volunteerism to maximize connections and purpose?

Pillar Leader: Darryl Brown
Team Members: Doric Earle, Drayton Graham, Rusty Jaggers, Victoria Montenegro, Angie Sifferman
Reinforce our commitment to racial justice and equity and continuing to support an inclusive environment where all individuals feel valued and included.
How might we build a radically inclusive community?
How might the structure of our organization reflect our values and principles?
What is the best way for us to advocate for and influence racial equity beyond our church?