
Our Team

Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter
Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter
Senior Minister

Rev. Dr. Daniel C. Kanter leads strategic visioning, works with the church Board of Trustees, preaches, teaches, and leads the church staff and ministerial teams.

Rev. Beth Dana
Rev. Beth Dana
Minister of Faith Development

Rev. Beth Dana leads the Adult & Children’s Ministries staff, guiding children, teens, and adults in their spiritual exploration, faith development, and understanding of what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist.

Rev. T.J. FitzGerald
Rev. T. J. FitzGerald
Minister of Care & Community Engagement

Reverend T. J. FitzGerald directs engagement within the church and beyond, preaching and helping the ministerial team plan and conduct worship.

Grant Wareham
Director of Music and Organist

Grant oversees all aspects of the music program including conducting our church choirs and providing in-service keyboard music.

Kay Ashley
Executive Director

Kay is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of operations related to finance and budgeting, general administration, facilities, risk management, human resources, and communications.

Jean Ann Powers
Jean Ann Powers
Director of Pastoral Care

Jean Ann directs our Pastoral Care Ministry which supports and cares for the congregation through all phases of life’s journeys, from birth to death.

Sharon Thompson
Sharon Thompson
Director of Membership and Hospitality

Sharon directs the new member and visitor processes, working with ushers, greeters, parlor hosts, and Inquirer’s facilitators and the class itself.

Sharon Nissen
Director of Communications

Sharon collaborates with church leadership to develop and expand the church’s messaging and brand. She is responsible for all church communication including the DU Weekly, website, and social media.

Shelley Ruprecht
Director of Children's Ministries

Shelley supports our church’s ministry with children in the Nursery through 9th grade through coordinating the Sunday School program, supporting our volunteer teachers, and creating a loving community for children.

Sean Stone
Director of Video Production

Sean is responsible for live-streamed and recorded video production at church including worship, educational productions, podcasts, and special events.

Enrique Trejo
Enrique Trejo
Director of Facilities

Enrique supervises the management of buildings, property repair, and maintenance.

Martha Norton
Martha Norton
Stewardship and Finance

Martha spends her days recognizing and appreciating our wonderful congregants and assisting them with church-related financial questions.

Nancy Lovnander
Nancy Lovnander
Pastoral Care Coordinator

Nancy coordinates the training and orientation of new volunteers for volunteer care teams; triages congregant care and assists the Director of Pastoral Care with holiday events, seminars, and retreats.

Nohemi Reynoso
Nohemi Reynoso
Senior Minister Support & Event Coordinator

Nohemi acts as the assistant to the Senior Minister and handles all events.

Courtney Christensen
Children’s Ministries Assistant

Courtney provides administrative and logistical support for our church’s ministries with children and families.

Alan Dyer
Alan Dyer
Associate Director of Music

Alan is principal support to the Music Director, filling in whenever necessary, and also plays organ and piano for services, as well as accompaniment for singers and other performers.

Eva Trejo
Eva Trejo

Eva is responsible for campus cleaning and making sure we are presentable every Sunday for our members and friends.

Scotty Martin
Scotty Martin
Building Maintenance Technician

Scotty assists our facilities management team in the overall maintenance of our church campus.

Lora Brandis
Faith Forward Coordinator

Lora is the point of contact for Unitarian Universalist congregations outside of Dallas that are interested in or are currently implementing Faith Forward: From Visitor to Leader.

Jenani Tzhone
Primary Children’s Choir Director

Jenani has a broad background in music and has been personally involved in choral and musical theater through church and school.

Carolina Murillo
Nursery & Childcare Coordinator

Carolina is the coordinator of the Nursery and leads the team of Nursery Caregivers. She also coordinates childcare for church events.

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