Programs for children and teens at First Church offer young people a supportive community in which to grow spiritually and deepen their Unitarian Universalist faith.
Our programs are based on stories. Whether sacred or secular, from long ago and far away or current; stories open minds, touch hearts and inspire us to live generous and compassionate lives. Sunday School curriculum teaches our UU principles and sources, our roots in the Hebrew and Christian faiths, and the importance of putting our values into action.
Children’s Religious Education (for children ages 3 and up)

Sunday Schedule for Families:
10:45am: Check-in and print a Name Badge at the Children’s Ministries Desk, Nursery Desk or a kiosk
Once checked in, children grades K through 7th begin worship in Sanctuary with their families, others go directly to their classroom or the Nursery.
After the children’s story, Sunday School teachers meet the children in the Sanctuary foyer and escort them to class.
12pm: Sunday School Dismissal
Children are picked up from their Sunday School classrooms after service.
Additional offerings for Children and Youth:

An age-appropriate, comprehensive health and sexuality education program offered in 1st grade (January through March), 6th grade (September through November), and 8th grade (September through May).
Learn more about OWL here.
This is the only class for children & youth that is not open to visitors.
Email Children’s Ministries to find out the next opportunity to join.

For 9th grade – During this pivotal year, youth explore their maturing UU religious identity as they learn more about spiritual practice, the history of our faith, and begin to clarify their personal religious positions.
Odyssey is open to all 9th graders. Anyone is welcome show up and attend. Contact Children’s Ministries if you have questions about this class.

For 10th-12th grade – Meets Sundays at 10:45 a.m. The youth group, led by youth leaders and adult advisors, meet weekly for community and fellowship, worship, and spiritual growth.
YRUU is open to all 10-12th graders. Anyone is welcome to show up and attend. Contact Children’s Ministries if you have questions about this class.

Open to children age 5 through 7th grade. Experience the joy of music and friendship while learning songs that express our UU faith.
Learn more about Children’s Choir here.
We welcome visitors! You do not need to fill out any forms before your first visit. Just show up and our Children’s Ministries staff will help you get oriented.
Email us with questions specific to programs for Children & Youth here.
Our online registration form makes it easy for you to let us know you will attend and makes sure we have your child enrolled in a class so you can easily check-in on Sunday morning. Whether you are a Member, a Friend, or still checking us out, knowing you plan to attend helps Sundays flow smoothly.
Step 1: Sign in to (or Sign Up for) your Realm Account
Step 2: Register your child for Sunday School for Nursery – to 12th Grade.