Faith Forward is a guided path for visitors, members, and leaders at First Unitarian Church of Dallas. Whether you’ve been here for 50 minutes or 50 years, these sessions are for YOU.

Faith Forward helps you build relationships, learn about the church, feel a sense of belonging, find ways to serve, deepen your spiritual life, and boldly live your faith!
The path starts with the Inquirers Series, an 8-session series covering different aspects of this church and Unitarian Universalism (the sessions repeat every 8 weeks), and builds from there.
Join us in learning and growing together as part of this church community!
Great for newcomers, new members, and anyone looking to return to the foundations of Unitarian Universalism and our church. Sessions are open to everyone, whether you’ve been to previous ones or not.
Newcomers are invited to the Inquirers Series – 8 sessions on a variety of topics offered every Sunday on a rotating basis. You don’t have to attend them in any particular order! Drop in when you can to learn more and meeting others in our church community.
Roots – 1 session – offered twice each year
Beyond Inquirers – 5 sessions – offered every 1-2 years
Spiritual Practice – 12 sessions – offered every year
UU History 101 – 7 sessions – offered every year
UU Elevator Speech – 3 sessions – offered every year
Designed for people who have experienced at least some of the CORE Path and are looking to deepen their spiritual life, their Unitarian Universalist faith, and their connection to the church.
UU Theology – 6 sessions – offered every 2 years
Coming of Age for Adults – 6 sessions – offered every 2 years
Turning Points in UU History – 6 sessions – offered every 2 years
Deepening Spiritual Practice – 9 sessions – offered every 2 years
Biblical Literacy for UUs – 11 sessions – offered every 2 years
Grows Unitarian Universalist spiritual leaders through reflection and service. Each year, members and leaders in the church are invited to apply for the year’s cohort.