If you feel like First Unitarian Church of Dallas is your spiritual home, and you would like to become a member of this vibrant community, we welcome you to join us!
When you become a member of this church, you make a decision to participate in being part of beloved community at a deeper level. Membership entitles you to vote, to have a voice in the direction of the church, and to be a leader. It is the members who create church.

Joining the Church
The defining act of membership for Unitarian Universalists is signing the membership book. You may sign the book at any time by calling the office and scheduling an appointment or participate in a Membership Sunday,
Membership Sundays at First Church are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Individuals wanting to join the church are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary at the end of the service and sign the book. Get updates about upcoming Membership Sundays by subscribing to the Dallas Unitarian Weekly, our e-newsletter.
New Member Events
Special events are held quarterly for new members. Participation in these events is not required, but is a great way to get connected with ministers, staff, and other new members.

New Member Class:
Both online and in-person new members gather with the ministers on Zoom for fellowship in a small group setting and to discuss membership in greater depth.

Rose Ceremony & Blessing:
The Rose Ceremony is a time for connection with all members of the church and to build beloved community. It is held during worship services and provides an opportunity for members to welcome you. Ministers bless each new member during the ceremony.
Do you want to learn more about our church and Unitarian Universalism before you decide to become a member?
Inquirer’s Class is designed for visitors and newcomers who are looking for a general introduction to help decide if First Church would be a good match for them. The class meets at 11:00 am every Sunday in the church parlor and on Zoom.