Who can reserve space at First Church?
Church Groups – any groups that are established with and supported by the church
Values-Based Partners – outside groups & non-profits that share common values with our church
Members – members of our church can reserve space for private parties, classes, and events
What types of events can First Church accomodate?
Classes, Private Parties, and Events – We have a variety of space sizes and setups, all with A/V resources.
Weddings – We regard marriage as one of the most significant passages two humans will experience in a lifetime. Weddings for church members or those with a direct family connection can be scheduled according to minister availability.
Memorials – Remembering our loved ones is a sacred act. Memorial services for church members or those with a direct family connection can be scheduled according to minister availability.
How do I request the use of a space?
Church members, groups, and values-based partners can contact Nohemi Reynoso using this form or call 214-528-3990 with any questions about space availability, use and requirements.
How do I reserve a table in Channing on Sunday?
To reserve a table in Channing Social Hall on a Sunday morning, contact Nohemi Reynoso using this form or call 214-528-3990. Space is limited. Please reserve at least two weeks in advance.
Childcare Policy:
The church makes every effort to provide childcare for church-sponsored events, dependent on caregiver availability. Childcare requires advance sign-up through Realm. All childcare on the church campus must be provided by our caregivers or the agency we are contracted with. No outside childcare may be offered, due to liability concerns. First Church does not provide childcare for small group or non-church-sponsored events. If you would like to offer childcare during your event, please contact childrensministries@dallasuu.org to discuss. Two adults must be present at all times during activities involving children under 18.
Outside Inquiries:
As a church, we strive to accommodate our members, groups, and values-based partners as much as possible. Because of this, First Unitarian does not offer the space rental to the wider Dallas-area community.
Available Spaces
Sanctuary – Max Occupancy: 450 people
Raible Chapel – 780 square feet
Memorial Garden
We have a variety of classroom sizes and setups, all with A/V resources. Please contact the Church Office for more information.