Worth And Dignity Engagements at First Unitarian Church of Dallas help us go deep, encourage understanding, and transform lives in the pursuit of worth and dignity for all.
Sending You Light – An Evening of Community Song with Vocal Activist Melanie DeMore
Experience the power of song as a social and political changemaker. For this Worth and Dignity Engagement (WADE), we welcomed internationally renowned vocal activist, composer, and song-leader Melanie DeMore. Weaving the fibers of African American folk music with soulful ballads, spirituals and her own original music, Melanie has been bringing audiences together through her music and commentary for 30 years.
Front Porch conversations are important discussions with members of our church and communities about aspects of society that matter.
Two Families Connected Through Time and Slavery
Daniel sits down with Pamela and Jim and asks that they share the story of how exploring their ancestry connected their two families’ heritage long ago through slave ownership on a large Alabama plantation. We will learn about their blossoming friendship and the meaning of uncovering these important family histories.

Inspiration and resources for spiritual reflection from Rev. Beth Dana. This series is for parents and caregivers of children who want to reflect on the chaos, wonder, and spiritual adventure of parenting. Relax. Listen. Take It In. Reflect…
Introduction to the Spiritual Parenting Series
Watch this video from Rev. Beth Dana to learn more about the Spiritual Parenting Series, then click the link below to access the content.