
A Conversation with UUJME President Dana Fisher Ashrawi

Sunday, April 21st

12:30pm in the Music Center and Zoom

Please join us for a conversation with the president of the Unitarian Universalists for Justice In The Middle East (UUJME), an organization founded in 1971. Dana Fisher Ashrawi, and her husband Ibrahim Ashrawi, are making time to talk with us from Houston via Zoom. Join us at the church in the Choir Room in person, or join via Zoom.

Join “Justice: Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East” in Realm to RSVP and stay connected.

Vision and Mission of UUJME

UUJME is a UUA-related social justice organization of education and advocacy siding with love with the people of Palestine-Israel. The organization is volunteer run and has nearly 30 chapters nationally. You are invited to join the Dallas chapter.

UUJME pursues a vision of a just peace in Palestine-Israel that reflects our UU values of respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every human being and justice, equity and compassion in human relations. Our mission is to work within the Unitarian Universalist community to educate and mobilize individuals, congregations and denominational leaders to recognize and counter inequality and injustice in Palestine-Israel and to support our allies in the global justice and anti-oppression movements.

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