Abortion Services
Southwestern Women’s Center: 214-742-9310
Domestic Violence/Shelter
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE
Dallas PD Domestic Violence Counselors: 214-671-4325; 214-671-4307 (Spanish)
Genesis Women’s Shelter: 214-942-2998
The Family Place (family shelter and support): 214-941-1991
Crisis Resources
Texas Abuse/Neglect Hotline (children, adults w/disabilities, 65 years +): 800-252-5400
Dallas Crisis Hotline & Mobile Crisis Outreach Services: 866-260-8000
Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center: 972-641-7273
Parkland Violence Intervention/Rape Crisis Center: 214-590-0430
Elder Financial Safety Center: 214-525-6157
City of Dallas Senior Help Line: 214-670-5227
City of Dallas Housing Assistance Program: 214-671-1499
City of Dallas Immigrant Affairs Resource Hub: 214-671-5087
Charities Immigration & Legal Services Catholic Charities: 866-223-7500
Suicide/Mental Health Crisis Hotlines
Suicide Lifeline: 988
North Texas Behavioral Health – Crisis Line: 866-260-8000
RIGHT – mental crisis response team (request RIGHT Team): 911
Ask a Nurse/24 hour hotline (free): 972-318-6752
Legal Aid of NW Texas (assessment & referral): 214-748-1234
LegalLine (registerfree 15 min appt.): www.dallasbar.org
Free legal answers (advice via email): freelegalanswers.org
LGBTQ Senior Hotline: 888-234-7243
LGBTQ Youth Talkline: 800-246-7743
LGBTQ National Hotline (all ages): 888-843-4564
Trans Lifeline: 877-564-8860
Texas Youth Hotline: 800-989-6884
Texas Youth Hotline (text only): 512-872-5777
Warm Lines (caring, listening, & counseling)
Friendship Line (Adults 60+, caregivers, & mental health): 800-971-0016
Warm Line (MHA of Tarrant County,M-F, 8 AM – 5 PM): 817-546-7826
Hope Clinic Peer Support Warm Line (M-Th, 12 – 10 PM): 844-755-4673
First Unitarian Church of Dallas
Pastoral Care Emergency: 972.898.1949