

Worship With Us

In-Person & Livestream Services each Sunday at 9:30 and 11am, additional Livestream at 7pm

In our tradition, we gather in worship to connect with what is most sacred in our lives and leave inspired to transform the world. We are people of diverse ages, races, and backgrounds who form one community. You are welcome, just as you are. Join us in person each week, or virtually through our livestreamed services.

Livestream services


Past Sermons




Sign up to light the chalice

A flaming chalice is the most widely used symbol of Unitarian Universalism in existence, and our congregation, like countless others across the world, light the chalice before every worship service. We invite our members to take a direct role in this by signing up to be chalice lighters, and by doing so, helping to keep us connected to our history and traditions.

New Member class

Sign up to donate flowers

Sharing significant family events with your church adds connection and meaning to worship.  Sponsoring a floral arrangement for Sunday worship is a beautiful way to remember these special events.  Sponsorship ranges from $100 to $300.

Outside of our regular worship services, we also offer a variety of classes, special events, and service opportunities. Subscribe to the Dallas Unitarian Weekly Enewsletter to get the latest information or check out the church-wide calendar for more details.

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