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Listening Deeply with guest minister Rev. Justin Schroeder

In this service, Rev. Justin will explore the idea that life is always trying to engage with us, is making invitations to us, is trying to connect with us, and that a spiritual practice helps us hear those invitations and bids for connections.

About Rev. Justin Schroeder

Rev. Justin Schroeder has more than two decades of experience in spiritual leadership. From 2009-2021, he served as Senior Minister and Co-Senior Minister at First Universalist Church of Minneapolis. In this role, he led the congregation in centering a racial justice commitment as an expression of their faith. He has counseled couples, led rites of passage, and supported hundreds in deepening their spiritual practices.

Rev. Justin Schroeder and his wife, Juliana Keen, recently launched ‘“Holding Space for Change,” a practice that accompanies and supports people through life transitions. They provide spiritual direction, support groups, retreats, and individual therapy and coaching.. 

He has an active daily spiritual practice, which includes meditation, writing, and yoga. Justin enjoys gardening, games, biking, baking, running, and spending time with his children.



MUSIC: April and Les Sellers

Worship at 9:30am and 11am CST in-person or online • 7:00pm ONLINE ONLY

Event Details
11. 12. 2023.
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
First Unitarian Church of Dallas
4015 Normandy Ave.
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