
6th & 8th Grade OWL – starting in September

Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curriculum developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and United Church of Christ. Each level provides accurate, developmentally appropriate information that helps participants make informed and responsible decisions and emphasizes the three R’s of sexuality education – Respect, Relationships, and Responsibility. All OWL classes are led by trained and certified adult church members.

Our Whole Lives Classes for 6th Grade and 8th Grade will begin this Fall. If you are interested in your child participating in these classes, please express your interest soon using the forms below. These are some of our most popular offerings and they fill up fast!

6th Grade OWL Interest Form

Our Whole Lives (OWL) for 6th Graders is a ten-workshop curriculum designed to help children gain the knowledge, life principles, and skills they need to understand and express their sexuality in holistic, life-enhancing ways. This developmentally appropriate program introduces key topics like values, body image, gender and sexual identity, peer pressure, and healthy relationships with sensitivity and inclusiveness. Parent & Child Orientation is September 8.

8th Grade OWL Interest Form 

Our Whole Lives (OWL) for 8th Grade is a 9-month comprehensive lifespan health and sexuality curriculum that covers values, relationships, responsibility, choices, justice, inclusivity, and self-worth as well as anatomy and health. It addresses the sacred aspects of sexuality, which is part of the miracle of creation. Lead by certified facilitators, participants work to establish and articulate their religious and sexual values to make healthy, responsible choices. Parent Orientation is August 25.

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January 26 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm CST